How a local bakery quadrupled in 48 hours… for FREE.

Saturday, May 5th, 2012

To Download This Issue Right-Click HERE.

Business Badassery

Short Title: Bakery Quadruples in 48 Hours... For FREE.

Official Title: Chasing Tornad’ers, Sodomizing Military Genius, Dialog that FU**ED Russia, Quadrupling Bakeries, Cutting Heart Disease Risk in HALF... And More!


What's Cracking...

Holey Moley Builders - Around this time last year I was working with some teams of “Storm Chasers”, (kind of like the movie Twister) because in an attempt to conquer fears I wanted to actually stalk a monster tornado like they do.

One day I supposed to go out with them but one of the vans had a flat and we were late so I missed out that day. That day they went to the now-famous city of Joplin, Missouri and barely survived the encounter with the one of the most devastating tornadoes in American history.

Later I did get up close to a few tornadoes but nothing like that Joplin one and now with the chance to go again this season I’m debating between going chasing again or learning to wrestle crocodiles...

I’m a big Puss’n’Boots on the inside so I try to push myself into stuff I’m terrified of - haven’t decided which one yet so would love to know what you think.

Here’s what in this Injection:

===> How a small bakery made four times as much mo-ney - it’s a simple lesson that anybody can use in your neighborhood to start buying up companies...

===> The (gay?) “war architect” whose ideas slaughtered and enslaved countless people - this is why you should build your Empire Skill: it transfers to everything...

===> The secret type of dialog that changed Europe forever, this is the same secret to gaining compliance like a Terminator and having people GIVE you anything you want

And more... like a Cabbage Patch lesson, how to steal a house - literally...

As always you can create a FREE account here:  You can also check here to see when applications for Builders are being accepted here:

Love to hear how you’re using the Injections/Episodes to change the world - Thanks for everything!

- Azam

WBE Trivia: After his famous victim died from bullet wound complications, who blamed the doctors saying “I just shot at him”? (first 19 correct answers get... three gold stars - answers on last page)


Empire Episodes: A Million Dollar Model

Each one of these is guaranteed to bring in at LEAST $10,000 - $30,000 a month Start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by... “Giving away HALF your company and making FIVE times as much money!” Also we cover the CXM: Start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by... “How to have hundreds of professors, consumers, salespeople, consumers, etc. working around the clock to tell you what words, ads and dialog will make you the most money... Then getting those same people to put deals together for you and bring you checks every week.” Only available to Builders. Apply here:



A Conversation That Changed
Europe Forever.

A secret type dialog that commands compliance...

Napoleon Bonaparte is considered one of the greatest
military minds ever.  Few battles illustrate this brilliance
more than the Battle of Austerlitz (the Battle of the Three

Napoleon’s French army was surrounded and outnumber
by about 2:1, the Russian and Austrian armies formed an
alliance, they had higher ground, were about to attack
and the French only had about 150 guns total.

This seemed unwinnable and Napoleon was
begged to retreat.

He went into isolation for a few days to think.

When he was done he began acting extremely bizarre -
randomly moving his troops in offensive/defensive
formations, leaving dangerous and obvious vulnerabilities,
abandoning key and favorable positions.

Then he went to meet with the Czar
(a rival commander)

Instead the Czar sent a representative.  The report back
was that Napoleon was fearful, eager to appease and
overall doubtful and nervous.  This was all the armies
needed to hear.

They attacked full force - surrounding Napoleon
- to crush him

Even though they had higher ground they left it in haste
and marched circularly to envelop and make an example
of Napoleon.

But as they marched to destroy Napoleon the unthinkable
happened; they were somehow invaded.

Napoleon used mountainside fog to hide his small army
and as the armies left their town he ordered an uphill
assault that would only work if his enemies were ignorant
enough to leave their high point.

They were. And they did.  Napoleon was able to
split the armies.

Pushing them apart, their forces were split when they
countered and he defeated the armies much easier and in
humiliating fashion, even forcing masses to retreat and
die in frozen waters.

What about the catalyst to all of it - the act of
confusion, fear and the
non-threatening meeting
dialog that started the “assault”?

All an act to motivate his enemies‘ to react rashly.

I always underline the importance of being non-threatening
and of inviting strikes you are most prepared for instead of
trying to avoid strikes altogether.

This is a great example of both.

Whether you want a better price, insider secrets from a
company - or just about any “secret” - being non-threatening
makes people behave in ways they would never think of in
any other situation.  It is a skill, and it boosts compliance.

We have itemized and Policized countless ways to do exactly
that and get unbelievable compliance in every interaction
you ever have...

Apply to become a Builder...
or hope you don’t turn out like the Russians.


The Big Bad "MFM":
These are worth a fortune...

Imagine (legally) stealing the best ads, scripts, letters and other
marketing and compliance gaining pieces/campaigns and then -

Getting paid (a bloody fortune) to "sell" them to other people

Each month Builders get a brand new MFM piece - the EXACT
Compliance Copy and materials that others are building Empires
with - all ready to copied and pasted.

Here's this month's:

- “MFM” Your Way -
Use these pieces and start from zero and hit
$10,000 - $30,000 a month by...

Having churches and schools find the best ads, copy them and
“sell” them and you won’t hear a word from them until they
depositing at LEAST $500 a day into your bank account...

Only available to Builders.
Apply here:


People doing cool shit with out stuff "Bakery Quadruples in Two Days... for FREE!"

- And how ANYBODY can do the same...

This comes to us from Lisa Penrick, she worked with a local baking shop and applied a brilliant lesson involving a newspaper and pulling money out of thin air:

“I watched it like 1000 times and contacted a few of the notices from my paper to see if they wanted the Ultimate Cake for their party.  These are huge sales and we got backed up on orders the first day!...”

By purposely picking high-margin-ideal-Transactions they made a killing and in one day made more than the company has ever made in one week.  This is a powerful concept and others have used the same idea to go from zero to $50k+/month in a matter of hours.

Lisa did that after going through Injection/Episode HERE.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg - apply to become a Builder
because you’ll get to see just how deep the madness goes:


Doing Badass Stuff?
Tell me about it..
Send an email, use the comments section, give us a call - SHARE IT!


(I make sure that all the stories above are from people who went
through our FREE stuff so anybody can do it...

... but the excerpts below are from within WBE)


What Builders are Talking
About Right Now in WBE:

Here's just a taste of what's Builders are talking about right now:

===> Sun Tzu and John Rockefeller stealing from Azam again...

===> Getting dozens of companies lined up... each paying you $5,000+/month

===> How to get Attorneys Generals and other huge legal authorities promoting your business helping you destroy competition...

===> A huge secret behind Google, YouTube and Paypal - gaining compliance 101

===> Getting almost a dozen from using three words in a single conversation




Gay Military Genius?
A lesson in Skill Transfer...

(How you do anything... is how how  you do everything.)

Over 500 years ago a child was born out of wedlock.

Not much is known of his childhood but as a teen he
began to find his passion through an apprenticeship.

This skill changed his life, and he learned to apply
the same skill and passion with any other project that
he was a part of...brilliance always.

He was once arrested with a group of men and a male
prostitute for sodomy.

One of the men was related to a powerful politician,
which may be the reason charges were dropped.

He never had kids or married.

He was also a vegetarian and often bought caged
birds only to release them (YES!).  He was also
known for “outstanding physical beauty”.

He was even a pacifist.

So it may seem strange then that he was so
interested in military combat, but he was

He had designs for massive crossbows,
self-propelled tanks, machine guns, helicopters,
mortars, steam powered cannons...

He was centuries ahead of his time

Several of his ideas were used over 400 years
later in both the World Wars.  Countless men
died because of his brilliantly effective inventions.

He once said:

“Whatever the situation, I can invent an infinite
variety of machines for both attack and defense.”

As his legend grew he was hand picked by many
warlords and notorious dictator-types as -

The Military Engineer

He was an “architect of warfare” but... his
obsession started with design, specifically...

He was so emotionally invested in developing
this skill
that applying it to anything else - math,
science, mapmaking, engineering, solar/water
power, etc. - became easy.

He embodies the mantra that we use on our Team:
“How you do anything is how you do everything.”

His brilliance was not confined to military.

In fact his drawings - not his military record - is
what he is known for today.  Drawings like...

The Mona Lisa.

The brutal military designer who teaches us how
well skill transfers was... Leonardo da Vinci.


Want to become an artist - learn the skill
that’ll transfer and make growing ANY
business easy?
This is your chance to change everything -
Qualify and apply to become a Builder here:


- News -
Sent in by you.


Using these kinds of stories in your marketing can boost your
compliance gaining by over ten times.  So be creative and
find the connection because (it’s always there and) it
will make you smarter...

Couple spent $1M on Cabbage Patch Kids.

Pat and Joe Prosey have spent over a million dollars on their 5,000 doll collection of Cabbage Patch Kids.

Lesson: In any and all marketing you should be trying to find “The Crazies” like this, they are always there in any industry.  Just one of them can Hectuple your business.  I’m definitely a Crazy with baby parrots for example... and have more than Hectupled dozens of companies just by being their client.  Find the Crazies.
The story is here.

Do you sit instead of standing at your
computer?  You're twice as likely to die
from heart disease...

Several studies over decades have concluded that Americans are (fatally) fat as fu**.  As more sitting or sedentary jobs are the norm instead of active jobs, obesity has doubled, medical problems have surged, vision problems have risen and... people are dying a lot faster and fatter.

Lesson: This is why it’s so easy to do our Fight Clubs for over $25,000... we are saving lives.  I’ve become a strong supporter of sweating and eating healthier, I could keep going but don’t have room here.  Don’t ignore your health guys.
The story is here.  And here.

Identity theft to the extreme:
Here's how to steal a house...

Alabama authorities are looking for Jafton Richardson who allegedly moved his family into an empty house, used left-behind checks to pay for renovations, filed for legal ownership for six other properties, etc.

Lesson: Including stories like this in your mailings can easily triple your response, two APs are testing this story today - will have the results laters.
The story is here.


Special thanks to Anita, KK and Max for the stories.


A Million Smiles and
Dollars a Month

Another way that Builders are saving the world.
What kind of difference can smiling more make
to your business?  What about volunteering?

The chronicles of WBE

I promise you that the stories in these Chronicles
will be among the most amazing things you’ve
ever seen, you can get them here:


Pass this on.
Save the World.



[WBE Answer from Last Time: The luxury served  over 100 years ago in the U.S. Senate
was bottled water from the oldest producer: 
Mountain Valley Spring Water.
They’re brilliant, in the 20s they started funding clinical
research to prove the medical benefits of their water.
It legalized their claims and proactive dealt with competition -
And as a result...
Every US President from Coolidge to Clinton served MVS in the
White House.]


I am so Thankful for all your great support.

I’m grateful.

Remember with our GXM (the Goodwill Experiments)
and the SS (The Smile Studies) and other projects Builders
are making the world a better place - one smile at a time.

So helping spread the message is your way to help us
save the world

Feel to get in touch with me with the info below, sometimes
we get swamped but I promise either I or somebody on our
Team will personally get back to you.

The WBE Project
faq (at) WeBuildEmpires (dot) org
310-765-1602 ext. 2

(That’s Millie’s line and she’s on top of things, you’ll love her)

Every single email, call, etc. is returned personally -
we love our people.

Thanks again!


Oh yeah - if you don’t already get emails directly from me then
make sure you go to and put your
name and email on that thing on the side of these Injections -
then you’ll never miss out again...

So remember:

Pass this on to your friends -
but only the smart ones.
(They’ll thank you)


The WeBuildEmpires Project
Business Badasser

As always you can apply to become a Builder here:


How two turn $400 into over $14,000… and other stuff.

Friday, March 9th, 2012


To Download This Issue Right-Click HERE.


Business Badassery

What's Cracking...

Holey Moley Builders -

This week I learned how fun it can be change a flat tire, I was on the highway in a beat up van from Rhonda (an APs sister in-law) and POP it went out and we went swerving and then gently glided against the railing.  I was oddly surprised to hear the music still blaring right afterwards.

{Twilight Zone-ish Stuff} One day several years ago I almost got ran into a median at 70mph - I most likely would have died - by a drunk driver, but I Thankfully made and it the SAME song was playing... it has become one of my favorites; “If I could turn back time...” by Cher.

Anyway - everybody’s okay and I hope you are well.

Here’s what in this Injection:

===> How two brothers turned $400 into $14,000 and the exact secret they used

===> The monk who could FLY... this is why almost nobody every grows their company by 10x

===> Two words means an extra $10,000 in a week?  (and other Builder Brilliance from within WBE)

And whole lot more... like $16 muffins, lap dances for charity and how smiling can double your business.

As always you can create a FREE account here:  You can also check here to see when applications for Builders are being accepted here:

Love to hear how you’re using the Injections/Episodes to change the world - Thanks for everything!

- Azam

Badass Trivia: What luxury has been served in the U.S. Senate since 1904?
(first 19 correct answers get... three gold stars! answers on last page)


Empire Episodes:
A Million Dollar Model

Each one of these is guaranteed to bring in at
LEAST $10,000 - $30,000 a month

Start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by...
“Giving away HALF your company and making FIVE times
as much money!”

Also we cover the CXM:

Start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by...
“How to have hundreds of professors, consumers, salespeople,
consumers, etc. working around the clock to tell you what
words, ads and dialog will make you the most money...

Then getting those same people to put deals together
for you and bring you checks every week.

Only available to Builders.
Apply here:


The (Unnecessary) Cost of
One Man's Obsession.

Obsession is a gift, this guy changed the world with his...

Charles had a life riddled with failure and what
many would call bad luck.  He failed at several
business ventures and was deathly ill and
imprisoned for his debt before his real trouble

Always looking for a new business angle he
was introduced to a type of elastic, it had
many uses but the material was too unreliable
to be taken seriously.

That’s where Charles’ obsession began.

He began experimenting with the elastic
constantly.  He borrowed money from friends
and acquaintances and anybody else who
would listen.

Always in debt with failed experiments, he
was in and out of prison and detested by
creditors.  When he ran out of money he sold
his wife’s jewelry, their furniture and other
belongings and moved them into a boarding

When his son died of malnutrition he
didn’t have money for a coffin.

But the elastic experiments went on and
became dangerous -

They almost killed him. Whenever something
went right or a business of his would start to
succeed, something always seemed to happen
and Charles and his family were penniless

Finally, after years, Charles did figure out the
secret to making the gum elastic more useful -
by “vulcanizing” it, this idea would change
the world but given his history none of his
contacts believed in him.

One day Charles got news that his
daughter was sick

He went to visit her but as he arrived at the
train station he found she had already died.

He immediately collapsed and was rushed to a
hospital where he also died.  Penniless and
over $200,000 in debt.  Not a “happy” ending.

When I think of his story I’m always taken
back at the cost his obsession had on his family
and how different his life would’ve been if...

...he learned the skill of being a Transaction
(the skill of making money) - I think
everybody has some obsessive brilliance in
them that can change the world, but too many
people think it involves the kind of risk Charles
took, it doesn’t have to.

Most people aren’t doing anything they really
care about it - it doesn’t cost much money to buy
back your time; when you no longer do stuff for
money and you can focus on your passion; you
can afford to be obsessed and not the “starving”

Before Charles died his idea was bought, but he
didn’t make any money and about 40 years after
his death an unrelated but inspired Ohio man
named his company after Charles.

The vulcanized gum elastic that changed the
world is known as rubber.  Charles’ full name:
Charles Goodyear.

Learn to buy back your time and afford to be
obsessed with your passion:

Apply to become a Builder HERE


The Big Bad "MFM":
These are worth a fortune...
(a new one every month)

Imagine (legally) stealing the best ads, scripts, letters and other
marketing and compliance gaining pieces/campaigns and then -

Getting paid (a bloody fortune) to "sell" them to other people

Each month Builders get a brand new MFM piece - the EXACT
Compliance Copy and materials that others are building Empires
with - all ready to copied and pasted.

Here's this month's:

- “MFM” Your Way -
Use these pieces and start from zero and hit
$10,000 - $30,000 a month by...

Having churches and schools find the best ads, copy them and
“sell” them and you won’t hear a word from them until they
depositing at LEAST $500 a day into your bank account...

Only available to Builders.
Apply here:

People doing cool shit with out stuff "How to Turn $400 into

How to Turn $400 Into $14,000?

This comes to us from Rich and Tim Lade and they used an article from a previous Injection as his inspiration to focus marketing budget on only the biggest and baddest clients.

“Instead of spending $1,100 we took $150 and focused it on the best clients and then we followed up with the best responses... a total of $400 was invested to get the $14,000 sales...”

With a better than 50% margin on their computers they are now trading $400 for over $7,000 in net profit - brilliant and easily replicable by anybody... this is also a great way to TF other companies.

Rich and Tom did that after going through Injection/Episode HERE.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg - apply to become a Builder
because you’ll get to see just how deep the madness goes:


(I make sure that all the stories above are from people who went
through our FREE stuff so anybody can do it...

... but the excerpts below are from within WBE)


What Builders are Talking
About Right Now in WBE:

Here's just a taste of what's Builders are talking about right now:

===> How can staring at somebody grow your client list in less than 12 hours...

===> A big secret to getting ritzy stores to send you their richest clients and paying you for it...

===> How can two simple words make an extra $10,000 in one week?

===> Using a radio song and a (BLANK) to save a deal and make a quick $12,000

===> Using a simple (BLANK) to make more money in one week than all of last year



The British Monk Who
Could Fly...

(The secret to giving your company a 900 year
head start.)

A British monk named Eilmer was obsessed with an idea.

Something considered impossible.

He was discouraged, insulted and threatened for his
work, but still he continued.  He wanted to do the

To Fly.

His notes and experiments were about to become
famous because one day - going against the advice
around him - he climbed the monastery and...

He jumped.

But instead of crashing to the ground his witnesses
saw something beyond their comprehension -

Eilmer flew

He went about 600 feet and although his abrupt
landing wasn’t perfect, he proved that it could be

And he was smart enough to know what his
mistake was, he put it in his notes;

He needed a tail.

That would never happen though because his abbey
made him chose between flying or being a monk.

He stopped flying.

Sometime later two brothers built upon this work
and are credited today as the pioneers of human
flight; the Wright Brothers.

BUT the Wrights’ gliders were made of material
that had been around for centuries so it could have
been made much earlier.  They built “the tail”

The amazing thing is that Eilmer flew 900
before the Wright Brothers.

It took 90 centuries before anybody would look at
Eilmer’s work and take the next logical step - a step
he made clear in his work.

An obvious connection that took 900 years to make.

Every company I’ve ever seen as a “tail”; an obvious
connection that would put them centuries ahead
(not just of their competitors) but they usually miss
it, don’t look for it or - worse...

They don’t believe it exists.

Find the tail, it’s always there.

Always?  Yes ALWAYS!


Want go get better at finding “tails” for your
business and getting 900 year jump starts?
This is your chance to change everything -
Qualify and apply to become a Builder here:


- News -
Sent in by you.


Using these kinds of stories in your marketing can boost your
compliance gaining by over ten times.  So be creative and
find the connection because (it’s always there and) it
will make you smarter...

Taxpaying American?
Ever pay $16 for ONE Muffin?

A new report shows a habit of “extravagant” spending by the US Justice Department meetings - including $16 for muffins and $5 for a single meatball.  One meeting can have a budget of over $400,000.

Lesson: I get BS emails all the time about how “patriotic” taxes are (as if the sender/s are qualified to make that distinction) and I agree that a $16 muffin may not save the world BUT... how do you anything is how you do everything.  Paying taxes is one thing, trusting Big Brother to spend it correctly is... fu**ing stupid.
The story is here.

Lap Dances for Charity?

A club in Chicago will give lap dances in exchange for donations of toys for children.  Enough said.

Lesson: I haven’t confirmed this but I’m pretty sure this was an idea started by our good friend Sunshine (on our Team) because he had worked tirelessly in that... industry.  This is also one of the biggest secrets to raising private money - I’m serious.  According to one report they “raised” five carloads of toys worth of donations.
The story is here.

Man Leaves Millions To...

James H. Davidson Jr. of Florida willed his $1M historic home to the U.S. government to help with the national debt.

Lesson: There are thousands of people just like this who have millions and want to give it away and our CXM studies have shown they are twenty times more likely to invest in a business that supports their cause than the cause directly... lesson: get better at business building and money will flock to you.
The story is here.

Special thanks to Van, Wayne and Anita for the stories.


A Million Smiles and
Dollars a Month

Another way that Builders are saving the world.
What kind of difference can smiling more make
to your business?  What about volunteering?

The chronicles of WBE

I promise you that the stories in these Chronicles
will be among the most amazing things you’ve
ever seen, you can get them here:

Pass this on.
Save the World.


[WBE Answer from Last Time:
A desert is defined by the amount of annual precipitation.
The largest desert in the world is... Antarctica.]

I am so Thankful for all your great support.

I’m grateful.

Remember with our GXM (the Goodwill Experiments)
and the SS (The Smile Studies) and other projects Builders
are making the world a better place - one smile at a time.

So helping spread the message is your way to help us
save the world

Feel to get in touch with me with the info below, sometimes
we get swamped but I promise either I or somebody on our
Team will personally get back to you.

The WBE Project
faq (at) WeBuildEmpires (dot) org
310-765-1602 ext. 2

(That’s Millie’s line and she’s on top of things, you’ll love her)

Every single email, call, etc. is returned personally -
we love our people.

Thanks again!


Oh yeah - if you don’t already get emails directly from me then
make sure you go to and put your
name and email on that thing on the side of these Injections -
then you’ll never miss out again...

So remember:

Pass this on to your friends -
but only the smart ones.
(They’ll thank you)


The WeBuildEmpires Project
Business Badasser

As always you can apply to become a Builder here:


The anti-capitalist who forever changed marketing, how this guy pulled in over $41,000 in a couple of hours, how to do deal with gang bangers in the middle of the night and more…

Friday, March 9th, 2012


To Download This Issue Right-Click HERE.


Business Badassery

What's Cracking...

Here’s a question that always get attention, I want you to think about this for a second:

“What’s the hardest thing in the world to lie about?”

Years ago my boss (and now Wall Street fat cat) Turner forced me to get trained on reading facial expressions and understanding how emotions affects them.

I recently spoke about this and whenever I do people always remember the “hardest lie”, the answer - and this is from over 100 years of research - the toughest lie is to convince somebody that you care about them.

Lotsa reasons but mainly because once you know somebody cares they have massive influence over you - so much that you innately want to be careful who you give that power.

Amazingly it doesn’t matter much or if they like/care about you, they just need to know you care about them - how I’ve seen companies triple almost overnight: (don’t fake it) focus on the clients you like/care about the most.

Here’s what in this Injection:
===> Why I always remembered what my aunt said to the gang bangers
===> The story of the anti-capitalist who gave his away product - and still made a fortune AND forever changed ALL marketing
===> Walk out of your doctor’s with $41,000? How about making people 20 times friendlier (and other Builder Brilliance from within WBE)

And whole lot more... like BS wealth stats/propaganda, cool news for one of my favorite singers (yes I’m SERIOUS) and brilliance from K-mart...

As always you can create a FREE account here: You can also check here to see when applications for Builders are being accepted here:

Love to hear how you’re using the Injections/Episodes to change the world - Thanks for everything!
- Azam
Badass Trivia: What is the largest desert in the world?
 (first 19 correct answers get... three gold stars! answers on last page)


Empire Episodes:
A Million Dollar Model

Each one of these is guaranteed to bring in at
LEAST $10,000 - $30,000 a month

Start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by...
“Giving away HALF your company and making FIVE times
as much money!”

Also we cover the CXM:

Start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by...
“How to have hundreds of professors, consumers, salespeople,
consumers, etc. working around the clock to tell you what
words, ads and dialog will make you the most money...

Then getting those same people to put deals together
for you and bring you checks every week.

Only available to Builders.
Apply here:


Exactly how many ghettos
are there in America?

This is part two, when we left our hero (me) was in the car as his aunt approached arguing groups of gang members...

I’ve always remembered her reaction, she looked at him the way you would a child who threatens to put you in time out. She smiled and answered:

You call this a ghetto? You’ve never seen a real ghetto, your ghettos are my Beverly Hills. None of you know a real ghetto.”

When they saw how serious she was and how far they would have to go to shut her up, they moved - everybody moved. Today I realize what she what she meant; there are no ghettos in America.

Everything is relative.

Having lived with no electricity, running water or even walls, I can comfortably say there are no ghettos in America. The “worst” places in America are galaxies better than where much/most of the world lives. I know many readers aren’t in America - but the Western world is all based on us. Here’s the lesson, take this sentence:

“There are no ghettos in America.”

Now replace “ghettos” with...

Tough times, lack of opportunities, bad economies, slow markets, bad markets, money shortages, bad times, government problems that you can’t fix, impossible goals... you get the idea.

There are no (BLANK) in America.

It builds gratitude. A parent at a YEC of ours (Young Entrepreneurs Club) had a conversation with one of our star Kids, Georgia:

HIM: I’m all for pulling yourself up the ladder, but the ladder has to be there, our ladder has been stolen.
HER: There are no stolen ladders in America. (notice the substitute)
HIM: Well I never saw one, none of us did.
HER: Did you look?
HIM: ...
HER: What I mean is how hard did you look before you quit? Is it possible that the ladders are there for all of you, but it was you that failed to see them?

This has become a mantra for our Team.
There are no ghettos in America.


The Big Bad "MFM":
These are worth a fortune...
(a new one every month)

Imagine (legally) stealing the best ads, scripts, letters and other
marketing and compliance gaining pieces/campaigns and then -

Getting paid (a bloody fortune) to "sell" them to other people

Each month Builders get a brand new MFM piece - the EXACT
Compliance Copy and materials that others are building Empires
with - all ready to copied and pasted.

Here's this month's:

- “MFM” Your Way -
Use these pieces and start from zero and hit
$10,000 - $30,000 a month by...

Having churches and schools find the best ads, copy them and
“sell” them and you won’t hear a word from them until they
depositing at LEAST $500 a day into your bank account...

Only available to Builders.
Apply here:

People doing cool shit with out stuff "Walk out of your doctor's
office with

This comes to us from Tom Rollins and he used an article from a previous Injection as his inspiration to talk with the doctors that he was visiting (anyway) with his day job as a pharma rep.

“One group loved the idea of being promoted as authors so much and was so fed up with their marketing results that they want to reinvest their entire marketing budget into this...”

From two doctors alone they are reinvesting over $41,000 into getting this done properly. Tricia and Mille on our Team have seen similar results - helping professionals like this become well marketed “authors” is worth a fortune...

Tom did that after going through Injection/Episode HERE.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg - apply to become a Builder
because you’ll get to see just how deep the madness goes:


(I make sure that all the stories above are from people who went
through our FREE stuff so anybody can do it...

... but the excerpts below are from within WBE)


What Builders are Talking
About Right Now in WBE:

Here's just a taste of what's Builders are talking about right now:

===> “How to make people 20 times friendlier?”...

===> A simple way to quit your job and keep your income, this is so easy to and it can be set up in less than a day once you say this...

===> The best business and real estate for sale never make it to market? Here’s how to get them coming to you first

===> How to get companies offering you ownership in their companies WITHOUT even axing

===> Getting four times as many leads in half the time -



What's One Piece of
Guidance Worth...

(how an anti-capitalist forever changed marketing.)

In the 1890s a traveling salesman had big dreams.

His name was King

His passion was to change the world and create a
Utopian society where one company basically ran
the world.

He was something of an anti-capitalist

His day job was working for the very successful
inventor of the bottle cap - Will Painter.

He asked Will for advice

Will said that the secret to getting rich was to
sell something that people would throw away
and buy more of.

King spent years on this idea

He understood that he needed a disposable
product - so he would make list after list of
his ideas.

Nothing cut it

This is where most people would’ve quit -
but NOT King -

Finally, one morning...

He got his breakthrough. He came up with
a product that was perfect - and he would
revolutionize all business...

For over 100 years to come

He came up with something so brilliant that
he wouldn’t even sell it - he would give it
away and STILL make fortune

This Model is one of the most powerful
business ideas EVER

He is (wrongfully) given credit with inventing
the model, but he brilliantly borrowed it from
his competitors after his patent ran out.

So what’s the model?

The Freebie Model
(give away the razors and sell the blades)
And it all started with one piece of advice given
to King Camp Gillette.

Are you one piece of razor-sharp
guidance away from untold fortunes?
This is your chance to change everything -
Qualify and apply to become a Builder here:


- News -
Sent in by you.


Using these kinds of stories in your marketing can boost your
compliance gaining by over ten times.  So be creative and
find the connection because (it’s always there and) it
will make you smarter...

These Six People have More Money
Than 30% of America?

BS Propaganda: Six members of the Walton
family (Wal-Mart) have more wealth than the bottom
30% of Americans.
Reality: If you have one dollar in your pocket and
no debt you have more wealth than the bottom 25% combined.

Lesson: Lesson: These kinds of headlines and
articles can feed the anti-capitalist movement. Yes the Waltons’
$90 billion fortune is badass, but since the bottom 25% have little
to no net worth (assets - liabilities) these “statistics” are
misleading at best....
The story is here.

Attention Kmart Shoppers:
You Might be a Builder

Across the country Kmart shoppers are paying off the layaway
items for strangers. I’m not saying they ALL started doing this
because of our GXM (to the right) but... others are.

Lesson: I love this kind of sh** and whatever your
situation you MUST check out our GXM and SS page
( and learn about what
may be the biggest secret to Business Badassery; giving.
The story is here.

#1 Search Term of 2011:
Rebecca Black

Google reported this and I’m thrilled about it.
I’m a huge fan of Rebecca Black. You should be too.

Lesson: I wrote about Rebecca - and the
embarrassing way she was treated - in a previous Injection (HERE)
this is a great study of negativity (she even had death threats so
severe authorities were involved to investigate) and the SAME
emotion so any capitalists deal with from their friends and family.
We should all support Rebecca Black.
The story is here.

Special thanks to Jace and Anita for the stories.


A Million Smiles and
Dollars a Month

Another way that Builders are saving the world.
What kind of difference can smiling more make
to your business?  What about volunteering?

The chronicles of WBE

I promise you that the stories in these Chronicles
will be among the most amazing things you’ve
ever seen, you can get them here:

Pass this on.
Save the World.


I am so Thankful for all your great support.

I’m grateful.

Remember with our GXM (the Goodwill Experiments)
and the SS (The Smile Studies) and other projects Builders
are making the world a better place - one smile at a time.

So helping spread the message is your way to help us
save the world

Feel to get in touch with me with the info below, sometimes
we get swamped but I promise either I or somebody on our
Team will personally get back to you.

The WBE Project
faq (at) WeBuildEmpires (dot) org
310-765-1602 ext. 2

(That’s Millie’s line and she’s on top of things, you’ll love her)

Every single email, call, etc. is returned personally -
we love our people.

Thanks again!


Oh yeah - if you don’t already get emails directly from me then
make sure you go to and put your
name and email on that thing on the side of these Injections -
then you’ll never miss out again...

So remember:

Pass this on to your friends -
but only the smart ones.
(They’ll thank you)


The WeBuildEmpires Project
Business Badasser

As always you can apply to become a Builder here:


How to grow your business by working with homeless people.

Monday, January 23rd, 2012


To Download This Issue Right-Click HERE.


What's Cracking...

This week I had to get a new water gun because Zazu bear
was getting touch with Eago baby - she wears the pants
in the relationship.

It’s funny because she hates the gun and quickly learned
how far to move to be out of range based on how many
pumps she hears.

Brilliant.  Very impressive.

As I said we should be getting better with getting the
comments and stuff back up so you can comment and
create an account here:

Thanks for all the feedback on the Episodes, the
Injections and all the other stuff - always love hearing
how it helps!

As always you want to make sure to keep an eye on
when applications for Builders are being accepted
to get all the details go to:

Thanks for everything!

- Azam


Empire Episodes:
A Million Dollar Model
(a new one every month)

Each one of these is guaranteed to bring in at
LEAST $10,000 - $30,000 a month

Here's this month's:

Start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by...
“Giving away HALF your company and making FIVE times
as much money!”

Also we cover the CXM:

Start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by...
“How to have hundreds of professors, consumers, salespeople,
consumers, etc. working around the clock to tell you what
words, ads and dialog will make you the most money...

Then getting those same people to put deals together
for you and bring you checks every week.

Only available to Builders.
Apply here:


Exactly how many ghettos
are there in America?

When I was growing up I once lived with an uncle. He and his wife owned a small convenience store.

(A pause as we hear the walls of stereotype fall.)

Sometimes in the middle of the night gang-bangers would stop in, mill around and try to steal
stuff. My aunt would hear nothing of it, she would cuss them out, poke them in the chest and even drag them out of the store by their collars.

I was only a child but even then I thought it was strange, looking back now I realize how crazy it
was to have sat there as armed men threatened to come back and kill us - while my aunt called their bluff.

This is the kind of stuff my brother and I joke about now.

One day I asked her if she ever got scared.  She said that these people were coming to steal from
us and the only reason others didn’t stop them is fear, then she said something about fear that I never forgot:

“Don’t be scared of what happens if you do,
be more scared of what happens if you don’t.”

One late night...

While driving home we saw two rival gangs in our apartment’s parking lot.  They were screaming
and pushing each other and it looked like a gunfight was about to break out.

They were blocking the entrance to our apartment.

My aunt told me to stay in the car.

With no hesitation she walked in the middle of the gangs and politely asked them to get out of the
way.  When that didn’t work she ordered them to move and started pushing them out of the way.

One man got in her face - he had a strange combination of surprise and threat in his voice - and
asked “Do you know who you’re fu**ing with?  You aren’t from around here but we were born and
raised in these projects, we’re from the GHETTO!”

I’ve always remembered her reaction, she looked at him the way you would a child who threatens
to put you in time out.

She smiled and answered:

(To be continued in the next Injection...)


The Big Bad "MFM":
These are worth a fortune...
(a new one every month)

Imagine (legally) stealing the best ads, scripts, letters and other
marketing and compliance gaining pieces/campaigns and then -

Getting paid (a bloody fortune) to "sell" them to other people

Each month Builders get a brand new MFM piece - the EXACT
Compliance Copy and materials that others are building Empires
with - all ready to copied and pasted.

Here's this month's:

- “MFM” Your Way -
Use these pieces and start from zero and hit
$10,000 - $30,000 a month by...

Having churches and schools find the best ads, copy them and
“sell” them and you won’t hear a word from them until they
depositing at LEAST $500 a day into your bank account...

Only available to Builders.
Apply here:


"Homeless Guy Makes Me
$7,125 a Month?"

Brian “Dicks” (that’s what it read...) was just a mere mortal before
employing this tactic of badassery - he found a new way to get calls
(Consumers) for his real estate business:

“I followed the exact instructions and started having
homeless people hold my signs, it started working the
first hour...”

He worked with a local shelter so they profit too, from the 11 solid
calls in the first days he made a net of over $7,125 in the first 30
days - and he has twice as much on the table that should come in
over the next few weeks.

The exact Episodes and instructions he used are at
and here.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg - apply to become a Builder
because you’ll get to see just how deep the madness goes:


(I make sure that all the stories above are from people who went
through our FREE stuff so anybody can do it...

... but the excerpts below are from within WBE)


What Builders are Talking
About Right Now in WBE:

Here's just a taste of what's Builders are talking about right now:

===> How to get rich people begging to volunteer to bring you rich(er)

===> How to take houses that people have been trying to sell for years -
and move them in hours hours - and look like a genius

===> Make an easy $16,000+ a month working with “Boy Scouts” -
and having them call you a HERO

===> How to get companies offering you ownership in their companies
WITHOUT even axing

===> Six phone calls and two hours and now she’s making an extra
$1,400 a week


One Woman Against the Entire
Roman Empire... (she almost won.)


What kind of difference can ONE person make?
About 2,000 years ago a wealthy king died but instead of his wife and two kids benefitting from his estate - the Romans forcefully took all his land, called loans due and humiliated his family name.

Queen Boudicca (his wife) argued -
so she was criminalized, tortured and her daughters were raped.  Left to rot, penniless and during a time when women were treated as slaves at best - she did the unthinkable and changed estate laws for the next 200 centuries.

She fought back... mercilessly
She built an entire army and animated them with her rage - they had a mission: make the Romans pay. She took no prisoners - Boudicca raided cities and slaughtered people by the thousands -

Slaughter is an understatement.
They would hang, burn, torture, and publicly starve the residents.  Women were impaled with their breasts cut off and stitched over their mouths.  She killed an estimated 80,000 people as they went from city to city.

Boudicca’s legend grew.
The Roman forces retreated from London before she even arrived - she still killed everybody they found there and burned the city to the ground so severely that today’s archeologists have found layers of ash that are three feet thick.

The Romans were terrified.
Her story sent a message to ALL empires on the treatment of family and woman of fallen soldiers - because of her new estate rights were developed... she did this two thousand years before women’s rights.

Boudicca’s story is still legendary -
in the UK and Rome (they never forgot) and it shows how far one person can go - with the magic ingredient that makes anything possible... emotion.

Is your life/business animated with enough emotion?
This is your chance to change everything - Qualify and apply
to become a Builder here:


- News -
Sent in by you.


Using these kinds of stories in your marketing can boost your compliance gaining by over ten times.
So be creative and find the connection because (it’s always there and) it will make you smarter.

Parrots Get Their Own Law?
Kevin Alexander is in court for allegedly collecting a $5,000
deposit for two Macaw parrots (the big pretty ones) and not
delivering, his crime is being called “Parrot Fraud”.

Lesson: One of our peeps who works with our Parrot Adoption
Agency (Wendy Lawson) was involved with this and I’m not
saying that it’s because of us that this happened but...
The story is here.

Hitman Falls for Target
After falling in love with the woman he was hired to kill a hitman
faked her death and lied to his employer, who later found out and
called the police claiming the money was stolen.  All three are
being questioned by authorities.

Lesson: I’m a sucker for love stories, and this is straight out of a
movie.  Five Gold Stars for the first person to use this in their
marketing and send their story in.
The story is here.

$8 Million Dollars from a Couple of YouTube Videos?
Our very own Herschel Brenson helped work on the first ideas
and viral videos for Orabrush, since then the once-struggling
sales are over $8M and they just got signed to be carried in
nearly 3,800 Wal-Mart stores

Lesson: Builders will recognize this as pure LMM or a CXM
with a twist, the owner of the company made a brilliant move
that anybody can do...
The story is here.

Special thanks to Walt, Herschel and Anita for the stories.


A Million Smiles and
Dollars a Month

Another way that Builders are saving the world.
What kind of difference can smiling more make
to your business?  What about volunteering?

The chronicles of WBE

I promise you that the stories in these Chronicles
will be among the most amazing things you’ve
ever seen, you can get them here:

Pass this on.
Save the World.


I am so Thankful for all your great support.

I’m grateful.

Remember with our GXM (the Goodwill Experiments)
and the SS (The Smile Studies) and other projects Builders
are making the world a better place - one smile at a time.

So helping spread the message is your way to help us
save the world

Feel to get in touch with me with the info below, sometimes
we get swamped but I promise either I or somebody on our
Team will personally get back to you.

The WBE Project
faq (at) WeBuildEmpires (dot) org
310-765-1602 ext. 2

(That’s Millie’s line and she’s on top of things, you’ll love her)

Every single email, call, etc. is returned personally -
we love our people.

Thanks again!


Oh yeah - if you don’t already get emails directly from me then
make sure you go to and put your
name and email on that thing on the side of these Injections -
then you’ll never miss out again...

So remember:

Pass this on to your friends -
but only the smart ones.
(They’ll thank you)


The WeBuildEmpires Project
Business Badasser

As always you can apply to become a Builder here: 


$150,000 in two weeks, the world’s first car wreck, the strangest verb and more…

Thursday, December 1st, 2011

To Download This Issue Right-Click HERE.

WBE: Car wash manager doubles income, human ugliness (and trafficker) and Zazu Bear’s eggs…

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

To Download This Issue Right-Click HERE.

Injection Four: WBE was shut down, sorry…

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

To Download This Issue Right-Click HERE.

Injection 1

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Injection 3

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Injection 2

Thursday, March 10th, 2011