I get a lot of questions about how to deal with people that may not be your biggest fans.  Many people think that being confrontational or loud is “tough”, so to prove how brave they are they will confront issues with an unproductive approach.

If you understand today’s lesson below then you will have much better understanding of what it takes to gain compliance from detractors and potential detractors – you should enjoy the process because the harder it is for people to avoid compliance with you – the better you are doing.

Here’s a rundown of what we’ll go over –

===> Instead of (BLANK) the voices of dissent, you should (BLANK) them, and you’ll see why this get people eating out of the palm your hand before you ever talk to them

===> A shocking secret under New York City that was once believed to be placed there by aliens, and why the reason for it’s secrecy is as surprising as the subway itself and you can use the lesson in your business today.

===> How a lonely agent spent months with no income increases but after he learned this lesson he was able to more than double his income and add over $2,500 a week without look at a single house, talking to a buyer or listing a single extra house, you’ll see how used today’s lesson, exactly what he did and how you can do the same thing…

All that and more…

You can also download the class HERE.

Now you want to make sure you go through the pages and debriefing below because if and when applications are being accepted you can be ahead of the game…

The long letter that explains everything is here:

The page with all the details on the application process is here:

You can qualify yourself with the IQ test, the psych profile and get a better sense if you’d make a good student.  It is also required that you go through this program:

That will help introduce you to my stuff and help get you grounded.  Lots of powerful material there.  Okay, think that’s it for now.

As always love to hear from you – Thanks for all the support!


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