Now on to this new class – this one is pretty cool –

===> How to get apartment building zero dizzle?

And with no credit?

I’m going to go a lot deeper because…

This is actually a lot more than that, I’m not only going to talk about apartments and how my students are killing it there – but I’ll also show you –

—> Working with downtown high rises – how one student is doing over 10-15k a monf’ from pretty city skyscrapers that he never bies, steps foot in or even sees – anybody can do the same thing

—> How a homeless teenager in got her family shelter, saved a neighborhood and is now set to star in a documentary – you’ll see exactly what she did

—> I did a challenge with a group of students and the worst performer of the bunch was doing three grand a week – he was “renting” conference rooms at a local real estate office and then doing something pretty interesting with the time – find out what…

And a whole bunch of other stuff.

Instead of just talking about how to get them you and I are also going to talk about what to do with them and how to make sure you make a killing on each deal that you do. Lotsa cool stuff here.

You can watch and download it below:

You can download the class HERE.

Now you want to make sure you go through the pages and debriefing below because if and when applications are being accepted you can be ahead of the game…

The long letter that explains everything is here:

The page with all the details on the application process is here:

You can qualify yourself with the IQ test, the psych profile and get a better sense if you’d make a good student.  It is also required that you go through this program:

That will help introduce you to my stuff and help get you grounded.  Lots of powerful material there.  Okay, think that’s it for now.

As always love to hear from you – Thanks for all the support!


2 Responses

  1. Timothy Cronin

    I understand what you’re getting at, but more interested in what you mentioned last week about the buying and selling of businesses, since getting involved in REI where I live is pretty much an old boys game that you need to be an insider of. Still, just wondering what I’d actually be doing 15-20 hours a week, or how that might coincide with buying and selling real estate.

  2. Chris Wegener

    It was so good to see you finally surface after I don’t know how long, You truly are a breath of fresh air, although demented , but good to see you


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