Hey Guys,

So this is part TWO of a three part series on “30 Ways to Buy and Sell Real Estate Zero Down – with no money, no loans, no banks, no credit checks, etc.” In part one you and I talked a lot about the myth of “motivated sellers” so in this part and in part three we are going to go deep into the actual ways to buy and sell properties creatively.

There is some real badass stuff here and you don’t need anything to get started, you can go through these classes – as with ANY of my classes – and you’ll know more than enough to get started immediately. So you don’t have to wait, you can get started once you’re done with this class.

Here’s just a taste of what you’re about to get:

===> Broker realtor goes from “hopeless” to 8 grand a week… but that’s not the crazy part.

The most surprising part is actually something that you probably don’t want to watch or learn about because it will destroy whatever excuses you may (or ever will) come up with when you try to justify why you’re not changing lives with this stuff.

Okay, there’s a whole bunch of cool stuff here…

—> Secret Word = 30k/mo
Most guys and gals in RE are broke or out of bidness until
their (lucky) next deal, but if you want to have a steady in-come
then the difference between doing that and being just another
statistic will come down to understanding THIS one word.

(find out what the word is 7:19)

—> Get Rich People Loving You?
If you want to learn *exactly* how to talk to
people that will leave them hanging on your every
word, begging you to work with them and listening to,
respecting and loving everything you do with them
then this is for you.

(you can learn the hypnotic dialog at 11:57)

—> 17 Year Old Raises 4M
I was in a room of about 300 real estate guys,
some of them were seasoned veterans YET they
were all outdone by a girl who wasn’t even old enough
to vote – she raised over 4M in private mo-ney.

(find out how a teenage girl schooled 300 pros at 14:38)

—> Cell a House and Get It Donated Right Back to You?
This is CRAZY badass – seriously. Imagine sel-ling a house
to somebody and then having them turn around and donate
that house back to you five minutes later. Yeah.

(if this doesn’t blow your mind… you have no soul –
find out if you have a soul at 19:19)

—> Over 60k a monf?
We have a student who does ONE deal every 18 months
and was pulling in 60k+ every month all year long, how is
this possible and how’s he doing it without leaving the house?

(find out how that’s possible – in his underwear – at 41:57)

And there’s a WHOLE bunch more – I’d love to hear how it helps.

You can watch it all right now:


Like I said I really appreciate all the great feedback and how much you guys are making happen and how you’re changing lives with this stuff – it’s inspiring.

So make sure you let me know how you guys are using this to change lives:

I LOVE the feedback coming in, a lot of you guys are going through the classes again and again and making shizzle happen in your local hoods. You are inspiring, and soon I’m going to start sharing those stories with everybody, if you want me to brag about you let me know what you’re doing with our stuff and how you’re changing lives.

You can watch this class and/or download it below:

You can also download the class HERE.

Now you want to make sure you go through the pages and debriefing below because if and when applications are being accepted you can be ahead of the game…

The long letter that explains everything is here:

The page with all the details on the application process is here:

You can qualify yourself with the IQ test, the psych profile and get a better sense if you’d make a good student.  It is also required that you go through this program:

That will help introduce you to my stuff and help get you grounded.  Lots of powerful material there.  Okay, think that’s it for now.

As always love to hear from you – Thanks for all the support!


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