An extra 150 grand in two weeks, the strangest verb ever and the world’s first car accident before Henry Ford?

Lots going on, going back and updating some of these old Injections, and remember there’s still time (maybe) to get accepted as a Builder.  Things are totally different than they used to be.  You can read all about it here:

To Download This Issue Right-Click HERE.


Business Badassery

What’s Cracking…

Holey Moley Builders –

Lots going on, going back and updating some of these old Injections, and remember there’s still time (maybe) to get accepted as a Builder.  Things are totally different than they used to be.  You can read all about it here:

Details on applying:

See you there…

Thank for all the support and everything!



I’ll personally walk you through every step of
building your company and going from ZERO
to $10,000 – $30,000 a month.

Only available to Builders.
Apply here:


A lesson from the strangest

verb ever?

Obsession is a gift, this guy changed the world with his…

The English language has over 250,000 words.

There are over 30,000 verbs.

The average American knows about 5,000 words total.

One verb is echoed by LCs throughout America, it is to
validate laziness and lack of ambition, I’ve seen this one
word turn the future of a company as black as an anvil.
It is one of the most interesting verbs in existence:


If a verb is something that you can do in a corner – to
deserve takes no effort.  Turn on the news, listen to
broke people or get around people who blame other
for their shortcomings and you’ll hear it everywhere”

“We deserve more… we deserve better… I deserve it…”

When I was in DC during the protests – about the only
distinguishable word you’d hear from the bellyaching
of the crowds.  There were thousands and thousands
of people chanting in front of the White House about
how much more they “deserve”.



So everything that is given to them by just being
in America isn’t enough?  Enough for all the fresh
immigrants who make fortunes in one generation –
but not for them right?

Consider the following – if you deserve something…
1.) It does NOT require you to do anything more/better
2.) Whatever you’ve been given so far isn’t enough (thanklessness)
3.) If you don’t get what want – it’s not your fault

To deserve is one of the only verbs that you can
do just as well when you’re DEAD as when you’re

The more that you think you deserve something,
the more you’re blaming somebody else and the less
likely you are at getting better or fixing anything.  If
something does get fixed – in your business for example –
it’s because of market momentum NOT your skill.

Whenever I hear somebody say that they “deserve
a better company, I know they’re lost.  In America –
a country where we throw away about 19,000 pounds
of food every 60 seconds – how can any normal citizen
possibly deserve more?

My uncle used to say something – and I once knew a
soldier who was tortured for years – his scrotum was
slowly burned, his fingers were skinned and he watched
dozens of his comrades killed in front of him.  He later
escaped.  Whenever people asked him how he was, he
said the same thing my uncle used to say and the same
answer that I’ve since borrowed:

Better than I deserve.”



Learn to buy back your time and afford to be
obsessed with your passion:

Apply to become a Builder HERE


The Big Bad “MFM”:
These are worth a fortune
(a new one every month)

Imagine (legally) stealing the best ads, scripts, letters and other
marketing and compliance gaining pieces/campaigns and then –

Getting paid (a bloody fortune) to “sell” them to other people

Each month Builders get a brand new MFM piece – the EXACT
Compliance Copy and materials that others are building Empires
with – all ready to copied and pasted.

Here’s this month’s:

– “MFM” Your Way –
Use these pieces and start from zero and hit
$10,000 – $30,000 a month by

Having churches and schools find the best ads, copy them and
“sell” them and you won’t hear a word from them until they
depositing at LEAST $500 a day into your bank account…

Only available to Builders.
Apply here:

People doing cool shit with out stuff “An Extra $150,000 in
Two Weeks?”

This one comes from Keith Shawnley (spelling?) and he helped his
employer, an architecture firm, secure a high end contract by”

“Skipping the bulsh** and going after the biggest and baddest clients.”

He looked at where the most money came from – commercial accounts
with bank office contracts – and targeted the top 30.

The first two signed within 14 days, boosting his company’s revenue by
almost $200k.  Now he needs three more and his cut will allow him to
walk away from his job and keep his income.

He did it after watching this episode:

But all that is just the tip of the iceberg, apply to become a Builder
and maybe you’ll get to see how deep the madness goes:

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg – apply to become a Builder

because you’ll get to see just how deep the madness goes:


(I make sure that all the stories above are from people who went
through our FREE stuff so anybody can do it…

… but the excerpts below are from within WBE)


What Builders are Talking
About Right Now in WBE:

Here’s just a taste of what’s Builders are talking about right now:

===> How can staring at somebody grow your client list in less than 12 hours…

===> A big secret to getting ritzy stores to send you their richest clients and paying you for it…

===> How can two simple words make an extra $10,000 in one week?

===> Using a radio song and a (BLANK) to save a deal and make a quick $12,000

===> Using a simple (BLANK) to make more money in one week than all of last year



The World’s First Car Accident…

Think opportunity costs too much?
Try missing it..

The French Government.

Sponsored experiments by a man name
Nicholas Cugnot.

He was brilliant and wanted to develop
a better way to transfer heavy military

He used his steam engine and engineer
background to build –

The first self propelled vehicle ever

In other words: (kind of) a car.  He
once drove his invention into a wall
creating the world’s first car accident.

His machine needed work.

They were heavy and also and ran
on about 19 minutes of steam before
they –

“Ran out of steam.” Literally.

The French decided it was too expensive
and not worth the investment to fix.

Cugnot went into (broke) exile

Later a guy took those ideas and tirelessly
worked on them.

His name was Henry Ford.

The automobiles and industry that he
built would change the world and catapult
America to the top.

He created the middle class

The ripple effect was historic and still
felt today.  Which makes you wonder –

What if the French took the opportunity
more seriously –

What if they didn’t think “it costs too much”?

They could have led the Industrial Revolution,
monopolized countless industries, attracted
the brains and talent that we did – and been
“the America”.

Is that too much to consider?  Well not when
you realize that Cugnot’s car was invented –

Over 100 years before Ford.

That’s right, the automobile was invented
over 100 years before Ford and NOT in

France missed a one hundred year head
start on what would become the world

That’s the cost of one missed opportunity.



Get a 100+ year head start on everybody
else by becoming an “SA”.
This is your chance to change everything –
Qualify and apply to become a Builder here:


– News –
Sent in by you.


Using these kinds of stories in your marketing can boost your
compliance gaining by over ten times.  So be creative and
find the connection because (it’s always there and) it
will make you smarter

Government Job Interview:

Applicant: “Okay so I really want this job and I think I’d be
perfect for the position but I do have a minor confession to
make; one night during a Devil worshiping ceremony I uh…
kind of… cut a hooker’s head off…”
Government: “Nobody’s perfect.  When can you start?”

Lesson: First I thought after reading this I thought how
hard can it really be to get a job?  Second this is a great
message to all the masses who hope, pray, wish, wait
or depend on the government to fix their problems.
Trust their judgement… really?



A Million Smiles and
Dollars a Month

Another way that Builders are saving the world.
What kind of difference can smiling more make
to your business?  What about volunteering?

The chronicles of WBE

I promise you that the stories in these Chronicles
will be among the most amazing things you’ve
ever seen, you can get them here:

Pass this on.
Save the World.



[WBE Answer from Last Time:
A desert is defined by the amount of annual precipitation.
The largest desert in the world is… Antarctica.]

I am so Thankful for all your great support.

I’m grateful.

Remember with our GXM (the Goodwill Experiments)
and the SS (The Smile Studies) and other projects Builders
are making the world a better place – one smile at a time.

So helping spread the message is your way to help us
save the world

Feel to get in touch with me with the info below, sometimes
we get swamped but I promise either I or somebody on our
Team will personally get back to you.

The WBE Project
faq (at) WeBuildEmpires (dot) org
310-765-1602 ext. 2

(That’s Millie’s line and she’s on top of things, you’ll love her)

Every single email, call, etc. is returned personally
we love our people.

Thanks again!


Oh yeah – if you don’t already get emails directly from me then
make sure you go to and put your
name and email on that thing on the side of these Injections
then you’ll never miss out again…

So remember:

Pass this on to your friends –
but only the smart ones.
(They’ll thank you)


The WeBuildEmpires Project
Business Badasser

As always you can apply to become a Builder here:


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