Injection Four: WBE was shut down, sorry…

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

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3 Responses to “Injection Four: WBE was shut down, sorry…”

  1. Sounds great. How can I get involved?

  2. I’m somewhat pessimistic about this , however I also am curious how the heck do I get involved without plucking down $$$ that someone else on the internet pushing this will make and no guarantee that I will ever see a dime.

  3. Azam, I have been taking care of my sick father here at home and taking him back and forth to the doctors and hospitals. I have not checked my e mails in several weeks and I cannot believe the program you have put together here. This is really ” paying it forward ” God will bless you for this. I really want in but, I did not check my email until this evening . I hope that you or one of your team members will contact me.

    Thank you and God bless,


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